
Real-time location tracking for Android (alpha version preview)
Location tracking services for your family or business needs.
Know where your children and other family members are. The app will show you when they are at school, grocery store or when they're going home.
For your business needs, you can track your drivers, delivery cars, technicians and other staff members to improve the efficiency of your business.
The app will show you location and other helpful telemetry in real time.
LocateNow respects the privacy of its users. In order to start tracking someone, you'll need to get a permission from them. And they are able to revoke it at any time.

The online multi-user whiteboard
SpryCanvas allows you to create a whiteboard session and invite your friends to draw and chat simultaneously. You can also lock the canvas so that only you, as the session owner, would be able to draw – while others would only watch what you're drawing.
You can also set your own backgrounds, like your photo or other image file, and draw over it together with other users.
The resulting picture can be saved at any time.

Time progress tracker for any occasion (Android)
The app visualizes the progress of the time. Helps you live your life a bit more efficiently.
TimeProgress allows you to track the following:
Day and Night, Weekdays and Weekend, Month, Year, Repeated daily events (like Commute, Work, Training etc), Custom events (like Project, Vacations, Semester etc).
You can add widgets to your device's home screen with progress bars of your choice.